Well, it's been a little while since I last posted. I took a time-out from lots of things since I last blogged. It did me some good. I am not quite as cranky since my last post, at least for the most part... My headaches are still here, but that's something I can deal with I suppose. Let's get you all caught up on what's going on with (and in) my head now...
Let's start with my number one complaint, headaches. My headache eventually hit migraine strength a day or two after my last post. It made me sick to my stomach. So, I took a time-out. I reverted to the me who stayed inside the apartment and didn't socialize with the neighbors... After my migraine strength headache, it eased up, after my time-out, it went back to the just enough to be annoying stage... I was off for a couple days, too. Then, I went back to socializing and back to work, now my headache is back to the painful stage... I am going to have to figure out if it's my social life or my job that is killing my head. Whichever one it is, I'm going to have to get rid of it. At least until someone can get my headache gone. I suppose this is the point where some of you are telling me in your head that I should find some different friends. It's not necessarily the friends, it's the me worrying about said friends. Everyone goes through slumps, and unfortunately someone I hang out with often is currently in a slump. However, I may have to take myself out of it until I find a doctor worth a flip... I just can't keep having my headache get this bad...
My tingles haven't been quite so bad since my headaches have reached this point. So at least one thing is looking up... I don't know if this is good or bad though... My shoulder still feels funny at times, and so does my elbow, but I haven't been having my tingles every night at least. I have, however, been kicked to the couch once since my last post... We went to bed one night and every time I fell asleep, I would start shaking. Eric said that I wasn't seizing, just shaking. Which is kind of scary, but at least if it was a seizure, it wasn't a grand mal seizure...
My anger issues also decreased with my time-out. Don't get me wrong, I still get mad way quicker than I used to, but I don't go around pretty much wanting someone to set me off so that I can go RAWR!!!! I am slowly getting back to somewhat normal me. Maybe the normal happy-go-lucky me isn't too far away, hopefully I'm starting to catch back up to her, or bring her out of hiding, whichever way she went. Either way, I'm working on it...
It has officially been one month since my last known seizure (I really need to get into a neurologist and get me and Eric better educated about these things so that we know if I'm having one with my other strange behaviors...) and I'm pretty pumped about it. The longer I go without one, the more "normal" I feel. I now know that I will never be totally safe from my seizures like we originally thought I might be. However, as long as they are kept under control by medicine, we're okay. We're on track to getting back to a somewhat normal life. Well, as normal as you can get with something like this. Just a small speed bump, but definitely not a total road block. I can still go on with life, it's just a matter of getting all the ducks back in their row and we'll be set. I hope that things are going well for all of you. Love to all...
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