Thursday, September 27, 2012

Random thoughts...

This will be another blog to just get random thoughts out of my always thinking brain. Sorry if you find it random, but that's the way my brain works, random, just ask my husband, mom, sister, or brother. They would tell you in a minute I'm a bit random... However, here we go...

First off, I want to start with a post that is aimed at one certain person, a person that I doubt will ever read this post, and if they do, they will probably never think that it is aimed at them. People need to learn to take responsibility for their actions. Heck, if you do something and it's wrong, be man/woman enough to go "I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry." Something that simple can fix things. Don't go blaming someone else cause you messed up. It's not the other person's fault, it's your own. You did it. You fix it. Don't wander around life thinking that you did nothing wrong and that someone else is to blame. Simple as that. Want to know if maybe it was you and not that other person? Ask. I'd rather ask and look like an idiot than walk around thinking it's all someone else and I'm innocent and look like a bigger idiot. That stuff just gets on my nerves. Everyone messes up in life. Everyone. If we didn't, we wouldn't be human. Be the bigger person.

Second, I want to talk about another random thing. My oldest daughter will be five in November. She's making me old. It doesn't seem like that long ago that I was pregnant and wondering whether we'd have a boy or girl and picking out baby names... To think five years ago at this time I was only five weeks from having my baby prematurely and going through one of the biggest challenges I have had to face to date. I know that I haven't had a whole crap ton of bad things happen to me in life, but her being in the NICU an hour from home for the first eight weeks of her life was pretty freakin rough. Don't agree? You try being a first time mom to a baby that almost fits perfectly in your hand from fingertip to the end of your palm where you go home without her and spend the next eight weeks going back and forth between home and the hospital every day. I think of those eight weeks, I might've missed two days. I worked part-time, Eric worked full-time, we took care of home, but my butt was still there. I woke up every morning and called to check on her before going to see her, I called again every night to check on her before I went to sleep.

Which leads me to my next random rant... Everyone has crap that has happened to them in their past. Everyone. Not everyone has it as bad as the next person, but everyone has their own obstacles they have to face in life. You still have to learn how to deal with those things. You can't hold onto that as a crutch and say that's your reason for not going further. So what if you went through some stuff? That stuff isn't what makes you who you are. You make you who you are. You decide what your actions are going to be. You decide how you're going to cope with the things you're going through. If you can't learn to cope with it, there are a million people in the world, reach out for help, cause chances are, someone knows someone who can either help you or help you get help. You don't have an excuse. People who don't see what they have to live for annoy the hell out of me. It all goes back to that accepting responsibility for your actions thing. If you messed up and you apologize, then you leave it in the other person's hands. Let them decide whether they're going to forgive you. Are they big enough to do that? If they aren't that's their deal, at least you owned up to your mistake.

Okay, well, I've used play time to write this post, so a very quick update and then it's time to get girlies a nap... Since quitting Ruby Tuesday, my headaches have pretty much disappeared. The few that I have had have been so mild it doesn't bother me. The night before last I did the shaking in my sleep thing again, but other than that, nothing really to complain about. I have started to get Halloween decorations up (for those of you that don't know, I love going all out for holidays...) which makes me excited, and I'm back to doing my crafty things and baking, two things that I LOVE! Overall, things are looking up for this girl. Hope that all is well for you!! Love to all...

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