Let's start with the beginning point, or what for sure set all of this in motion. As I have read online about different things, there is a chance that I have actually been having seizures way longer than what we think... Before I go off on that tangent, here we go.
We're going back nearly three years ago to September 11, 2009. Hubs and I are in bed, and for me, it's like I went to sleep and woke up in an ambulance. Imagine my
So we went to see the primary care doctor. He, of course, sent me right off to the neurologist. She did a sleep deprived EEG, and came up with an odd conclusion, or at least to me it seems that way. According to her findings with said EEG, I am borderline epileptic. She said that I am more likely than Average Joe to have another seizure, but I am just as likely to never have another seizure. (Which I did, three more to date, as a matter of fact.) At which point she also told me that she would leave the choice of whether or not medication up to me. Being the mother to two young daughters, one nearly two and the other nearly four months at that time, plus working full time, hubby and I decided that it would be best if I took the medicine. It made the two of us feel much more comfortable leaving our girls alone with me. A month or so later, I couldn't remember my youngest daughter's birthday. I broke down into tears, and we decided maybe the medicine wasn't for me, that we'd take our chances since we were told I might never have another one. Which medicine did I take? To be honest, I don't remember, and I haven't went through all of the medicines to find out which one it was. Hubby said it looked like candy, and honestly it kind of did.
For nearly three years, I was seizure free. Then on July 12/13, hubs and I laid down to sleep, and guess what happened, I came to in the back of an ambulance. I was discharged from the ER and we went home and crawled into bed. Once again, I came to in the back of an ambulance. Three years without a seizure, and within hours I had two. It's crazy how suddenly this has changed for me. That night/morning I had another catscan, was given medication via an IV, and told to get my behind back to a neurologist. I developed a headache, very common to have after seizures, or so I've read...
Three weeks to the night later, August 2, I had yet another seizure. This time, I was given a prescription for Keppra, 500mg twice a day, along with being given medication via IV. I slept most of the weekend afterwards thanks to my new prescription. Literally my weekend went wake up, take medicine, sleep, wake up, take medicine, sleep. What little time I was I awake, I was stumbling around and acting drunk. Thank you medicine. I took a week off from work per dear hubby's orders...
I did get in to see a primary care doctor during this time. This would be the one I mentioned earlier, the one who said neurology is not her strong point. She seems to believe that as long as the medicine is keeping me from having seizures (Which, knock on wood, two weeks later and I have yet to have another seizure), that I'm fine without a neurologist. There's just this small problem where I've had a headache for a month, and the Keppra is supposed to take care of that. It's just that it, well, it isn't. I've been taking the medicine for two weeks and my headache has shown zero sign of letting up. She told me that if my headache didn't go away or if I felt that I should go to the neurologist, she'd be happy to give me the referral. Nearly two weeks later, she hasn't given me the requested referral. I have found out that the local urgent care center can give me the referral I need, assuming the doctor feels it's necessary. I just don't see any normal doctor not wanting someone in my position to go see a neurologist. So I'm currently very frustrated with her for not doing what she said she'd do. The plan is that on hubby's next off day, we will be going to Urgent Care and, fingers crossed, get the needed referral.
This pretty much gets you caught up, and since it's already a lengthy post, I will leave it at this.
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