Sunday, August 19, 2012

Raging Tingles

Okay, so I have this issue where I get a tingling sensation in either my arm/leg or both. Sometimes it's a slight tingle, but most of the time it's this tingle where if I don't move my arm, it drives me INSANE. For the most part it happens at night. I used to have it happen mostly in my leg(s) before I had Aubrey, and thought it was restless leg syndrome, or something of the sort. However, the more I do my homework on things, the more I think that it might somehow be related to my seizures, possibly being seizures themselves... Anyhow, recently it has been only my left arm that does it. You know the tingle that you get when your arm or leg falls asleep? Multiply that by at least a hundred and change the don't move it so it's not so bad to "If you don't move it, it's going to fall off or explode or both"... This is what I feel when this happens. It starts in either my fingers or my shoulders, then slowly creeps either down or up and engulfs my entire arm. Try falling asleep with that going on. Better yet, try laying still so that your husband who is having trouble sleeping cause of your recent episodes doesn't wake up. Poor hubby wakes at every little movement from my end of the bed. Lots of nights recently have been spent on my couch thanks to the tingles. And no, I won't send Eric to the couch. He works like a million more hours than I do, and even wants me to quit working so that I don't have that stress. Therefore, I refuse to send him to the couch. I feel it's my fault that he can't sleep if I move anyways. I know that I can't control the seizures, but still.
So last night was one of those couch nights. This morning, it felt like my arm had a seizure by itself and didn't include the rest of me. At work today, my arm started doing its tingling thing. Wanna know how hard it is to carry stuff with your arm tingling like that? Cause my left arm is my carry-stuff-to-the-salad-bar arm. Then my ears started kinda burning and I felt almost nauseous and funny in general. No, I didn't fall out. I kept on truckin'. I'm good. Although I'm still feeling a little tingling in the arm.
Do I still have a headache? Of course I do. Today has been one of those days where it goes from not so bad to "please just make it stop".
Although this stuff isn't what concerns me the most. It's my "irritability". I have zero patience. I'm normally a very patient person. I now have none. I know what you're saying, having a headache for this long will do that to you... My medicine does it, too. Which is not a good thing. I'm going to have to do something with at least one of the two soon. Wish me luck on all of this, the tingles, the irritability, and the headache. Right now the most important, I think, is the tingle.

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